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Talent Cultivation

【 2022-03-14 16:41:53 】 【 来源:四川大学中国藏学研究所 】



萨迦班智达衮噶坚赞(Kun dga' rgyal mtshan1182-1251)在其无所不包的知识追求中,可能是第一个将历算学(rtsis rig)或时轮历算skar rtsis rig pa纳入五明之工巧明bzo'i rig gnas / bzo rig的藏族学者。历算学或时轮历算是指算学和数学知识,尤其是其应用于古印度之历算学、天文学和各种占星术的学问。

本次讲座共分两个部分:第一部分将探讨早期藏文文献中对历算学和汉地五行占算的处理。第二部分将讨论汉地五行占算nag rtsis论著在藏地传播的历史以及与其起源相关的诸多问题。


Omnivorous in his intellectual pursuits, Sa skya Paṇḍita Kun dga' rgyal mtshan (1182-1251) was possibly the very first Tibetan scholar to include rtsis rig or skar rtsis rig pa, that is, knowledge of arithmetic/mathematics as especially applied to the Indic astral sciences, astronomy, and various kinds of astrology, in the overarching knowledge- domain of the arts and crafts (bzo'i rig gnas / bzo rig).

The first part of the talk will pursue the ways in which skar rtsis [rig pa] and nag rtsis were dealt with in the early Tibetan literature. The second part will discuss a few aspects of the history of the transmission of nag rtsis treatises in Tibet and the many problems associated with its origins.


范德康教授Prof. Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp),国际著名藏学家、荷兰皇家艺术和科学院外籍院士,曾获美国麦克阿瑟天才奖和美国古根汉姆学术奖。现任美国哈佛大学藏学和喜马拉雅研究教授、哈佛大学亚系、东亚语言与文明系教授内亚与阿尔泰研究主席、四川大学高端外籍教授。研究领域主要集中于印藏佛教哲学藏传佛教思想史、藏蒙关系、藏汉关系研究等。主要论著有《11-13世纪藏传佛教认识论的发展》(Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries)、《早期藏文佛教文献调查》(An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature. The Bstan pa rgyas pa nyi 'od of Bcom ldan rig ral, with K.R. Schaeffer)、《仍在寻求佛法——15世纪西藏的印度和锡兰旅行者》(Still in Search of Dharma. Indian and Ceylonese Travelers in Fifteenth Century Tibet)、《觉丹热赤(1227-1305)关于佛教认识论和逻辑学》(Bcom ldan ral gri (1227-1305) on Buddhist Epistemology and Logic: His Commentary on Dignaga's Pramāṇasamuccaya, with A. McKeown)等。