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巴桑旺堆 Prof. Pasang Wangdu


Personal profile

      著名藏学家、西藏自治区社会科学院研究员,从事藏学研究近40年,精通藏、汉、英等多种语言,研究涉猎广博,尤其在吐蕃史、古藏文文献、吐蕃墓葬、吐蕃石刻和古代藏族史学典籍的整理翻译(藏译汉、藏译英)等方面成果卓著。2014 年受聘为我校讲座教授,每年来校进行驻所研究和讲学,已为我校师生开设出《吐蕃古藏文文献研读》《藏族古代史研究》等课程多门以及高端珠峰藏学系列学术讲座多场;担任基地学术委员会主任、《藏学学刊》编辑委员会主席。

Prof. Pasang Wangdu is a renowned scholar of Tibetan-studies at the Tibet Academy of Social Sciences. Fluent in Tibetan, Chinese, and English, he has engaged in Tibetan studies for nearly forty years. His research interests are broad and extensive. He has made outstanding contributions to the history of the Tibetan imperial period, including work on the tombs and the stone inscriptions of this period, and he has contributed to research on ancient Tibetan texts and literature, including translating and annotating ancient Tibetan historical texts (Tibetan into Chinese and Tibetan into English). In 2014, he was appointed as the chair professor of SCU. He has been doing research and teaching at the center every year since then. He has taught many courses such as “Study of Ancient Tibetan Texts of the Tubo Period” and “Study of Ancient Tibetan History.” He has also presented many lectures in the High-Level Mt. Qomolangma Tibetan Studies Lecture Series sponsored by the CTS. He serves as the director of the Academic Committee of CTS and the chairman of the editorial board of the center’s Journal of Tibetology.