四川大学铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 四川大学 图书资料库


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阿米·海勒 Prof. Amy Heller


Personal profile

      国际知名藏学、艺术史学学者,致力于西藏佛教艺术研究,领域涉及建筑、雕塑、绘画、织物、金银器等多方面。掌握英、法、藏、意、西班牙、梵文多种语言文字,在多种国际学术刊物及会议上发表高质量学术论文 50 余篇,其中专著《西藏艺术》 (TibetanArt)以英、法、意、西班牙文和中文出版。自 2011 年受聘为我所客座教授以来,为我校师生开设出西藏艺术与考古系列学术讲座,共计近 20 场次。

Dr. Heller is a Tibetologist, art historian, and independent researcher. Her Academic training is in Art History (BA cum laude, Barnard College, Columbia University), Diploma in Tibetan Language and Civilisation from the National Institute for Oriental Languages (Paris), studies in Tibetan history and philology (diss., École pratique des Hautes Études, 4th section, under the direction of Ariane Spanien) and studies in Tibetan religions (under the direction of Anne-Marie Blondeau, EPHE, 5th section). Since 1986 she has been affiliated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris, and she serves as a part-time lecturer for the Tibetan Department, National Institute of Oriental Languages (Paris) 2014–16. She was Visiting Professor at La Sapienza, Roma, 2006 and 2008. Her previous books include Tibetan Art, Tracing the Development of Art and Spirituality in Tibet (1999), and Early Himalayan Art (2008). She has also published numerous articles on art, rituals and history of Tibet and the Himalayas. She has collaborated on exhibitions for Musée Guimet, Art Institute of Chicago, Abegg Foundation (Switzerland), the Tibetan Collection of the Newark Museum, and the Museum for Ethnography of Zurich University. Parallel to her research, she travels extensively in Tibet and the Himalayas where she has worked on conservation projects. Under the auspices of the Swiss government, she supervised the roof conservation project of the ancient Ramoche Temple in Lhasa from 2004–06.

From 2007 to 2012, Dr. Heller gave a series lectures on Tibetan Art and Archaeology in CTS.