四川大学中国藏学研究所 四川大学 图书资料库

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【 2021-12-07 00:36:27 】 【 来源:四川大学中国藏学研究所 】

以多学科的理论与方法为基础,理论与实践、理论研究与决策咨询相结合,形成两条研究路径:一是以国家现实急需为出发点的政策导向型研究,回应国家治藏、建藏和兴藏的重大需求,聚焦西藏与四省藏区发展、稳定和民生的重大现实问题,近期重点关注藏区经济发展及其协调性、社会发展与民生改善、文化安全与现代化、资源开发与环境保护及西藏周边发展等问题的研究; 二是从学术理路上探讨基本的社会-文化/文明、宗教等议题,作为制定可行性政策的基础。重点关注跨喜马拉雅-青藏高原区域社会-政治形态、藏汉文明交流、藏传佛教世俗化等问题。


This field concerns contemporary studies of the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan populated regions in the provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan. Researchers in this field employ multidisciplinary approaches that combine theory and empirical research. One group of scholars investigates various topics concerning social and economic development, social stability, livelihood, cultural security, and sustainable resource management in Tibetan communities. Another group of scholars explores the theoretical dimensions of the social-cultural/civilization of Tibet, religious studies, Sino-Tibetan relationship, secularization of Tibetan Buddhism, and the social and political dimensions of trans-Himalayan regions.

Key scholars working in this field include Professors Yang Minghong, Xu Jun, Li Jin, Chen Bo and Gaerrang.