四川大学中国藏学研究所 四川大学 图书资料库


资料室介绍 图书检索


图书资料室另有黄树民先生、李绍明先生和乔治·卡尔多纳教授(Prof. Dr. George Cardona)等多位专家的赠书1万余册。

201561日,哈佛大学西藏与喜马拉雅研究终身教授、西藏佛教资源中心(Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center,简称TBRC)董事会主席范德康教授(Prof. Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp)代表TBRC向四川大学捐赠中心当时数据库的大部分电子资源,目前保存于我所图书资料室,有需要的师生可以免费查阅复制。

The library at CTS was founded in 2000. After nearly twenty years, it has developed into a library with a unique collection of books concerning Tibetan studies, archeology, anthropology, and ethnology. It is among the most distinctive libraries in southwest China—indeed, throughout the whole country. At present, the CTS library has more than 50,000 books and 2500 journals in total, including books and journals in Chinese, Tibetan, English, Japanese, German, Russian, French, and other languages. On June 1, 2015, Prof. Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, tenured professor at Harvard University in Tibetan and Himalayan research and erstwhile board chairman of the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC), donated a data volume registers 2TB, including over 10,000 books having a total of 120 million pages, from the TBRC’s database to SCU on behalf of the TBRC.

The library of CTS is open 9–12:00 am and 2–9:00 pm from Monday to Thursday; it is open 9–12:00 am and 2–5:30 pm from Friday to Saturday. It is closed on Sunday. The rich multilingual books and quiet reading environment are popular with faculties and students at Sichuan University as well as those from other universities. Library management is standardized with a new book management system. To facilitate academic research by teachers and students, this system will gradually enable readers to search information on the website of the library. 


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