四川大学中国藏学研究所 四川大学 图书资料库

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【 2021-12-28 15:33:20 】 【 来源:四川大学中国藏学研究所 】

藏族是一个历史悠久的民族,在其数千年的文明发展史上,留下了大量珍贵的文化遗产。 本研究方向以考古学和艺术史学为主干学科,在田野工作的基础上,结合藏、汉文历史文献和文物考古实物遗存,开展西藏考古与艺术研究、藏族地区文化遗产的保护与研究。主要研究领域有:西藏史前考古、吐蕃时期考古、西藏佛教考古、藏传佛教艺术史、青藏高原与周邻地区文化交流、 西藏文化遗产管理等,已经形成为本所独具特色的研究领域。 


The Tibetans are an ethnic group with a long history. Over the course of several thousand years, the Tibetan people have left an impressive amount of valuable cultural heritage. Taking archaeology and art history as its main disciplines, this research field integrates extensive archaeological fieldwork with Chinese and Tibetan historical documents and cultural relics to initiate studies of the archaeology and art of Tibet as well as cultural heritage preservation and studies in Tibetan areas. Its main areas of research include prehistoric archaeology of Tibet, the archaeological study of the Tibetan imperial period, the archaeological study of Tibetan Buddhist arts, the study of cultural exchanges and interactions between the Tibetan Plateau and neighboring regions, etc. These have already become unique fields of research for the center.

Key members of the field: Professors Huo Wei, Xiong Wenbin, Lü Hongliang, Dr. Yang Qingfan and Dr. Yang Feng.