四川大学中国藏学研究所 四川大学 图书资料库

Journal of Tibetology

【 2022-03-07 09:30:50 】 【 来源:四川大学中国藏学研究所 】


中国早期青铜文化的起源及其相关问题新探 …………刘学堂 李文瑛(1

藏彝走廊地区石棺葬文化及其与甘青地区的联系 ………………石硕(64

吐蕃“钵阐布”考论  ………………………………………………王尧(76


吐蕃墓出土蜀锦与青海丝绸之路 ………………………………许新国(93


试论唐蕃古道  …………………………………………………林梅村(127


略论吐蕃的“赭面”习俗 ……………………………………李永宪(157


入华粟特人商业活动的特点浅析 ……………………………李瑞哲(171








英文提要 ………………………………………………………………(230


1. A New Study of the Origin of Early Chinese Bronze Culture and Relevant Issues /1

Liu Xuetang, Li Wenying

2. The Culture of the Sarcophagus Tombs in the “Tibet-Yi Corridor Area and its Relation with

Gansu-Qinghai Area/64

Shi Shuo

3. Studies of the dPal Chen Po in the Tubo Dynasty /76

Wang Yao

4. The Sleb-ri Tombs and the mChims Clan /81

Pa sangs dbang 'dus

5. The “Shu Brocade” that was Unearthed from the Tubo Tombs and the Qinghai Silk Road /93

Xu Xinguo

6. “Tibet-Bolor Path” in China-Westward Traffic during the Tang Dynasty /117

Yang Ming

7. A Preliminary Survey of the Sino-Tibetan Roads during the Tang Dynasty /127

Lin Meicun

8. Khotan and Western Tibet: Ancient cultural Exchange as found in the new Archaeological


Huo Wei

9. A Preliminary Analysis of the Custom of “Painting red spots on the faces” in Tubo Dynasty /157         

Li Yongxian

10. The Tradition of the Wooden Coffin PaintingAn Element of the Xianbei Culture in the Early

Middle Ages/165

Tong Tao

11. A Primary Analysis of the Business Activities of the Sogdians in China /171

Li Ruizhe

12. Climbing into the PastThe First Himalayan Mummies Discovered in Nepal /181

Kurt W. Alt, Joachim Burger/Angela Simons, Werner Schön/Gisela Grup

Chinese Translation by Lü Hongliang

13. Tokches, Images of Change in Early Buddhist Tibet /189

Tony Anninos, Chinese Translation by Zhang Changhong

14. The Sliver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang: Some Observations on Silver Objects and Costumes from the Tibetan Empire (7th-9th Century) /194

Amy Heller, Chinese Translation by Yang Qingfan

15. A Report on the Conference on Chinese Frontier Archaeology /224

Yang Feng